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ACTIVBLUE: sublimates the potential of the seeds

Developed in collaboration with a start-up, this biostimulant improves plant tolerance to water stress and stimulates their defense system against biotic aggressors. ActivBlue is biodegradable and 100% natural. It is also compatible with other treatment products offered by Technisem. With ActivBlue, seedlings are protected.

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With ActivBlue, seedlings are protected.

P&Bblue is now available on Technisem seeds.

P&Bblue: Accelerates seed potential

This 100% organic concentrate of elements provides a rich complement to the seeds allowing a faster germination as well as a larger and more resistant root system. The emergence in the field is also more homogeneous, which will have a beneficial impact on the yield. P&B Blue is also compatible with other treatment products offered by Technisem.



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