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Field teams

Mastering the specificities of the markets is an essential condition for the development of Technisem, its brand and its products. To achieve this, the sales and marketing teams are in constant contact with the field.

Our teams of product managers

Our teams of product managers meet with seed producers and distributors in the tropics to identify their needs, understand the realities of the field and test Technisem’s solutions with them. All this information allows our teams to develop expertise by combining market information and product specificities. These trips help identify priorities, direct research towards product models that will perfectly meet local needs and develop, in close collaboration with distributors, development strategies to meet everyone’s expectations. In addition to the product managers, developers, based directly in certain production basins, coordinate the implementation of trials and ensure that they run smoothly in targeted geographical areas. They provide technical support to producers in the management of their crops. These developers, who work with producers, are an essential link between the field and the development of tomorrow’s products.


Nova Genetic, the Novalliance group’s research division, is in charge of varietal selection and research work to develop varieties adapted to the biotic and abiotic stresses of tropical zones. Nova Genetic coordinates the activities of 9 research stations spread over 6 countries and works in conjunction with public institutes and companies to increase its scope of action. To meet the specific needs of tropical areas, many innovative methods and research programs are designed each year.

More information on the website

The production

The production of seeds is carried out from basic seeds for which the varietal purity and the sanitary quality are the main concerns. These seeds are the direct result of research work carried out upstream.

This activity is entrusted to networks of specialist farmer-multipliers. Production is carried out in the optimum time slots in different production areas and at different seasons. This organization makes it possible to deal with the various hazards and minimize risks while ensuring that customers are supplied for their different production seasons. The production of quality seeds is a key issue for Technisem.

It is governed by extremely precise specifications and great attention is paid to the various stages of production, from the dispatch of basic seed to the receipt of commercial batches.

import /Export


Import is an important step in the supply chain that requires anticipation and rigor in order to meet multiple and changing requirements according to regulations.

Our teams master all the administrative procedures required to transport seeds from different production areas to Technisem. Each batch of seeds requires specific and complete documents to ensure smooth import and export logistics. These documents also guarantee the origin and sanitary quality of the seeds. The various import stages are carried out within a precise timeframe in order to be able to export the seeds to customers according to the seasonality of their country.




100% of Technisem’s sales are exported, from its site in Longué-Jumelles in Maine-et-Loire. In order to manage the numerous logistics flows, the dedicated team masters the administrative requirements of each destination country. For 35 years, it has been adapting to changing constraints, particularly concerning phytosanitary documents guaranteeing the conformity of exported seeds. The teams do their utmost to respond as quickly as possible to customer orders, which are sent to nearly one hundred countries.

Once the seeds are exported, a large network of distributors and sales teams ensure their promotion and marketing on local markets. They constitute an efficient and qualified sales force, positioned as close as possible to the producers. They also provide advice on the choice of varieties and technical support to producers.

Quality control : Seedlab


Technisem relies on SeedLab’s expertise to offer the customer optimal quality seeds. Each lot sold is checked as soon as it arrives at Technisem.



The SeedLab laboratory, a structure of the Novalliance group, carries out rigorous quality controls as soon as the seeds are received at Technisem. These checks are carried out from production to marketing. Samples are taken for moisture and germination tests. The varietal purity and the sanitary state of the seeds are controlled in a network of efficient stations but also in laboratory. SeedLab uses ISTA (International Seed Testing Association) protocols and also develops internal protocols adapted to African and tropical species.

Quality control tests allow us to evaluate the full potential of each seed lot and to ensure that it complies with marketing standards and customer requirements. Depending on the results, various techno-sowing operations are applied in order to optimise the batches and ensure perfect behaviour for sowing.

More information on the website:



The result of a partnership between SeedLab and Technisem, the seed technologies aims to optimize the genetic potential of seeds. Technisem works on innovative processes that respect the environment. SeedLab is in charge of applying these process. The technologies applied to the seeds vary according to the species, the results of quality tests and customer or regulatory requirements.

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SortingAllows to remove impurities from a batch (residues, stones, foreign bodies...)


BrushingMakes the seed smoother and facilitates the application of seed treatments.


DisinfectionEliminates potential pathogens from the seed


Seed coatingProtects and stimulates the seeds during the early stages of their development


Technisem seeds are packaged at the Longué-Jumelles site in France. The workshop has 8 packaging lines for boxes and bags. 2,28M boxes and 2.17M bags were packed in 2023. Each year, the machine park is optimized in order to respond more efficiently to customer orders and guarantee production flexibility.


The packaging is also designed to guarantee the quality of the seed once it is packaged. Boxes and bags are airtight and anti UV to preserve the seed throughout its transit.

Numerous packaging are available from 1 to 50 g bags through boxes of 50 g to 2kG.

Thanks to its in-house printing department, Technisem produces labels and bags that meet the regulatory standards of each country, thus guaranteeing optimal traceability.



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