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Preventive measures


Sexual confusion using pheromones 🌾🦋

Sexual confusion, an innovative agricultural method! Using synthetic pheromones, we reproduce the hormonal scent of females, specific to each pest species. This saturates an area with female pheromones, making it more difficult for males to find females to mate with.

This strategy reduces the production of eggs and therefore larvae, thus limiting direct damage (destruction of flower buds, consumption of fruit) and indirect damage (wounds, entry points for secondary parasites).

🔍 How does it work?
Pheromone diffusers are installed in the plot, in the form of ties, sprays or capsules. Capsules protect around 20 m², i.e. around 500 per hectare. Sprays cover a larger area, up to 5,000 m² (0.5 ha).

🌿 Efficiency and collaboration
To be effective, mating disruption must be used consistently and over a sufficiently large area, estimated at a minimum of 5 hectares. This requires collective work by farmers to guarantee effective protection of their plots.

🚫 Risk reduction
Even if this method is effective, the periphery of the protected area is not immune to the penetration of fertilized female moths. Sometimes, the use of insecticides is necessary at the edge of the plots to avoid risks.


What are the best conditions for planting lettuce?

Suitable varieties: choose lettuce varieties suited to the season and climatic conditions in your region. Some varieties are more tolerant of heat, such as Batavia VERDANA or Iceberg KOKILA, while others prefer cooler climates, such as Batavia BLONDE DE PARIS TYPE KEFA or Oakleaf CALIBRI.

Sunlight: lettuce loves the sun, but it can also benefit from partial shade in regions with intense sunlight. Protect it from sunburn, especially at the nursery stage (shade), and maintain a pleasant soil temperature.

Soil: The soil should be well drained and rich in organic matter. Lettuce prefers slightly acidic to neutral soil (pH between 6 and 7). If the soil is too compact or lacking in organic matter, consider adding compost or other organic amendments to improve its texture and fertility.

Watering: lettuce needs regular watering to keep the soil constantly moist, but not soggy. Drip irrigation can be an effective method of providing precise irrigation while avoiding over-wetting the leaves, which can encourage the development of fungal diseases.

Plant protection: keep an eye out for common pests such as slugs, snails, aphids and caterpillars. Use integrated pest management methods to minimise damage. Also, be sure to watch for signs of fungal diseases such as root rot or white mould, and take preventative measures such as crop rotation to reduce the risk of disease.


Focus on a disease: ZYMV (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus) 🌱🦠

ZYMV is an aphid-borne virus that affects Cucurbitaceae, notably zucchinis and cucumbers.

How do you recognize the disease? 🦠

  • Thinning of leaf veins, yellowing, mosaic.
  • Deformation of new leaves.
  • Stopped or slowed plant growth (shorter internodes).
  • Fruit deformation and discoloration.

What are the means of prevention? 🩹

  • Use of tolerant varieties (for zucchinis such as ALIENOR, METEOR, KOUBERA, SUPER AYA, SUPER NADITA, etc., and for cucumbers ROMEO, TANAGA, ICARE).
  • Protect young plants and nurseries with protective sails.
  • Respect crop rotation and avoid planting cucurbits close to an area already contaminated by ZYMV.
  • Carefully weed plots and surrounding areas to eliminate sources of virus and/or vectors.
  • Eliminate the first infected plants to prevent the spread of the disease.
  • Chemical control of vectors (aphids) is not effective in controlling this virus.


🌱 Idea received: the number of okra seeds to be planted per planting unit.

At TECHNISEM, we recommend that growers use a maximum of one to two seeds per poquet, as our seeds have a high germination rate, are film-coated with a biostimulant and have genetics that make them robust. In this way, the grower saves seed (enabling him to sow a larger area) and reduces competition between okra plants which, when sown too densely, see their yield decrease.📉

Example of recommended sowing:

✅Drop 1 seed per pack.
✅Every 4 bunches, place 2 seeds.
✅When seeds don’t germinate in some poquets, transplant additional plants.




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