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The Technisem mobile application: available in Spanish and Portuguese!

Technisem extends its services to Spanish and Portuguese speakers!

With this update, farmers and gardening enthusiasts in Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking regions can now take full advantage of Technisem’s functionalities in their mother tongue. This initiative is part of Technisem’s vision to make its services accessible to everyone, wherever they are in the world. 🌍🌱


Good to know:

  • Availability in over 100 countries: Technisem continues to expand and is now available in over 100 countries across the globe. 🌎🚀
  • Extensive functionalities : Whether you’re looking for catalogue information, assistance in choosing the right variety, a list of sales outlets, technical advice and tips, or even a surface area calculator by species, Technisem meets all your needs. 💡📲

To download the application now, click on this link 📱👨‍🌾

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